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Séminaire : Possible Pathways to Biohomochirality

Thursday, 20 November, 2014 - 11:00
IAS, bât 121, salle 1-2-3
Thomas Buhse (UAEM, Mexico)


The search for the origin of biomolecular homochirality remains among the peak challenges in science.


Possible scenarios to reach enantiomeric purity in the prebiotic world were suggested by several mathematical models, frequently related to the seminal Frank scheme developed about 60 years ago. These theoretical investigations were much later supported by the observation of spontaneously emerging optically active states from achiral precursors occurring in crystallization processes, in the organometallic Soai reaction as well as by the influence of external chiral forces such as circularly polarized light or vortex motion. Many of these theoretical models or experimental observations include kinetically driven processes taking place under far-from-equilibrium conditions and requiring autocatalytic feedback steps.


I will give an overview over the possible scenarios of asymmetric amplification in chemical systems and corresponding experimental observations.      

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