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IAS participates in a live radio contact between ISS and Université Paris-Saclay

11/06/2021 - 18:45

On 17 June 2021, the International Space Station (ISS) will fly over the Orsay campus of Université Paris-Saclay. To mark the occasion, a radio contact lasting approximately 10 minutes will be organised with Thomas Pesquet, live from the ISS. A unique opportunity to follow the conversation between the astronaut and secondary school and university students!

As part of the Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS) programme, a local junior high school and Université Paris-Saclay have been selected with the amateur radio club F5KEE to organise a radio contact with Thomas Pesquet. Fifteen high school students and five university students will get the opportunity to ask the astronaut their questions live during the radio contact, which will last approximately ten minutes.


From 12:00 to 3:30PM at CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay), a TV programme will be hosted live in front of a small audience by Fred Courant, from the French science TV programme L’Esprit sorcier, and it will be broadcast  on the University’s YouTube channel. Fred Courant will be accompanied by special guests, including the former astronauts Claudie Haigneré (remotely) and Michel Tognini, who will share their experience on the ISS. Raphaël Haumont, a physical chemistry professor at Université Paris-Saclay and the Michelin-starred chef, Thierry Marx, will talk about the meals they prepared for Thomas Pesquet’s flight to the ISS, alongside various members of the European Space Agency (ESA), and Université Paris-Saclay scientists (including Cateline Lantz  Hervé Dole from IAS).

For those who are interested in following the event on the big screen, the event will also be broadcast in amphitheatres at: the Physics teaching building (“H-bar”, with Miho Janvier); the Orsay Technical Institute (IUT); Polytech Paris-Saclay; ENS Paris-Saclay, and the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Observatory. Mini conferences on space exploration and discussions with scientific speakers are also planned as part of the event.


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